The Etsy Beadweavers challenged our members to create something to "Show Your Colors". I'm sure you will agree that we did just that! The entries show a range of seedbeading techniques and stitches, different types of items, and a myriad of colors! What talent!
Here is a picture of all twenty of the entries. And here's the link where you can go to see each entry up close, visit the artists shops, and vote for the one you like the most!
And here is my entry - a 7 1/2 inch tall beaded glass bottle. Actually I used a hot sauce bottle that was perfect for the hot fiesta colors of the beads. I used the cap that came with the bottle and stained it to match the bronze colored seed beads. There are over 10,000 beads in this piece! And perhaps 30-36 hours were used to complete it.

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